Should I bring cash or Travelers Checks? Are ATMS’s available? Can I use Credit cards?

Most travelers bring a small amount of US cash and withdraw from ATMs as needed along the way. We suggest using ATMs as the easiest banking solution, they are readily available in all the larger towns and cities. Pisac has several ATM machines, and travelers can withdraw US dollars or local currency at fair exchange rates. It is highly recommended to know your pin number, as it is quite a hassle to deal with those things from here. Traveler’s checks are not recommended. There are no banks in Pisac. Credit cards are accepted, especially in restaurants and stores. It is helpful to bring a credit card along for emergencies and larger establishments, but don’t count on using in markets. It is common for small establishments to have a 6% surcharge. Remember to inform your bank and credit card company that you will be traveling to Peru. Please make sure that your dollar bills are not ripped or worn, as you will be given a lower exchange rate.